Originally Posted by glorify
Yikes. I'll back up. Didn't see any images with the dload package you spoke of. Any screen?
Images used are all included with default vBulletin style 3.7.x
Originally Posted by Chris11987
edit: The comments seem to be glitchy. My usergroup has YES for everything and can't post comments. I hit submit and nothing gets added. People in my same usergroup are able to post them, but mine won't show up.
There was minor error which i've found with WYSIWYG comments which is fixed in next release
Originally Posted by glorify
I can delete a comment, but the redirect says "error, Tournament does not exist."
fixed in next version
Originally Posted by jjmf
I have translated the mod using the VB language manager.
Problems I?ve noticed so far:
1 - When using Portuguese (my primary language) the "Join tournament" link does not appear, even with it translated. If I switch to English, it appears fine.
2 - The same happens to the "Add player" link witch is also translated.
3 - There is no way to translate the "PM me the detais" string.
4 - The + and - buttons to increase/decrease the numbers of players doesn't appear also when using Portuguese language, only when using English.
5 - When I tried to join a tournament, got this mysql error:
Thats all for now.
Keep the good work!
If you change translate the phrases related to tournament status ($vbphrase['tmnt_waiting'], $vbphrase['tmnt_inprogress'], $vbphrase['tmnt_finished']) then it wont work. I will be changing this in later version.