Strategy on Firing an Admin
Hi guys,
I bought a large forum about the beginning of the year. About 50,000 members. The guy who sold it to me had his admin. The deal was nobody would start a competing forum.
I decided to keep the admin because I didn't want the members to feel a drastic change with new ownership.
It turns out the admin started his own forum a few months ago. I didn't fire him on the spot for fear of a mass email to all my members promoting his site (he had a copy of the db from the beginning). Pretty bad options. I am pretty sure the guy is directing potential advertisers to his forum since he has not told me of one such prospect in months. Additionaly the admin has lied to me on several occaisions. I just can not feel comfortable with this guy.
What do do about it...
I want to gently get rid of the guy. What do you guys do in these cases? Just chop him off? Talk to him nicely and wish him good luck on his new site (that we need someone dedicated)?
There are several mods that don't go to the admin's offshoot forum. Two of them are very active on my boards and have techical skills. What do you recommend as a replacement? I can pick one of the two mods and promote them (over another senior mod that's buddy's with the current admin and active on the offshoot). I can pick two mods to be "co-admins". I can bring in somebody new. I can do it myself (I don't have much time though).
I figured I would ask you pros here because there are issues with hurt feelings and loyalty when it comes to promotions on the boards.
Any words of wisdom are appreciated.