How To Estimate Size And backup
Hi All
I am new to vb and with less knowledge.
I am running my forum on shared hosting plan. and want to know few things:
1 >
I wanted to know how to take complet backup of my forum , database and everything , so that in case if their is any security hack or server change i can restore it back
SO PLEASE can anyone let me know how to take complete backup. And restore backup .
2 >
i took backup of databse from maintenance option under admin panel and 19 MB size sql file was created .
now currently 2000 posts and topics are on my forum and backup size is 19 MB
dose this mean if i get 10000 posts and topic the size will be 100 MB ???
or i am missing some files to delete or something like that
please exlain how how can i tweak or minimise this size
3 >
As mentioned before i am on shared hosting plan please let me know how can i tweak my forum settings so that the server can resist 600 to 700 visitors PER DAY
please help me if anyone can , it wil be really appreciated or let me know hu and were can i get these answers.
Thank you