Originally Posted by reitube
Thanks, it would be great to have this and may be a configurable width of the the box. A config to separate username and timestamp (2 lines instead of one) could help either.
I really appreaciate this!!
The option for the width of the chatbox is interesting, I will add that request.
However I don't see the point of separating the username and timestamp. Btw it would really complicate the chatbox template and I am not that up to.
Originally Posted by Fireproof
I think you misunderstood my request, or I misunderstood your answer. I wasn't talking about any error.
My request: I have a mobile-device optimized skin and would like the chatbox to NOT show when using this skin. But I do want it to show on my other default skin.
Is there anything we can do to get it to not show on a certain skin (in my case, the mobile skin)?
Yes you can by following the chatbox style issue and adding the variable as explained only in your needed style's templates.
Originally Posted by Drocr
I cant get the smilies to work can someone help?
You have to activate the smilie bbcode for the chatbox it's an option of the chatbox.