Originally Posted by imedic
Has anywone witness a increase in trafic after activating this url rewrite? If yes can you estimate %?
I am asking this because after activation probably in the beginning google trafic will fall and hopfully will pick up later.
I have swithced from phpBB forum to Vb in feb this year and I have experience a loss of 30-40 % vizitors decrease probably all from Google since regular members visiting the board is increasing slowly. Webmaster tool is reporting 6.000+ errors in forum (duplicate links, tags ...).
Is not worthy for me to invest in VBSEO payed version and this mod is the obvious choice but other experience with this mode will be helpfull.
Actually, my board traffic is way, way up since we moved from MyBB, which had SEO-enabled plugins.
My feeling is that vBSEO is a lot of hot air, overpriced, and they use questionable marketing techniques, in the fashion of those unsolicited SEO builder offers a lot of people get in their Junk mailboxes.
TfSEO has had some growing pains, but the latest version works fine for me. To it I add the vBSEO :: Sitemap Generator, which is free and doesn't have quite the snake oil aspect of the retail vBSEO product as a result, and ZH -- Meta Tags.
Yes, it takes more time to install and maintain 3 free products rather than one retail product. But when you consider that vBSEO doesn't even offer all the features the freebies present, and some that appear to be non-functional, I'm loathe to recommend that to anyone.