We faced something similar with trying to get USC showing up on Photoplog, but not wanting it on some other pages.
What I did was open the plugin "Ultimate Side Columns Processing" on the global_start hook location (ACP -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager) and add a conditional to show the right column (we're just using the right column, not the left) like so:
if(THIS_SCRIPT == 'image')
eval('$usc_right = "' . fetch_template('usc_sidecolumn_right') . '";');
So you'd need to find the THIS_SCRIPT value for Logicain Templates and then put a conditional in to that plugin to tell it to show whichever column you want for that THIS_SCRIPT value. Then you don't need to select "All Pages" and you can still pick and choose the other areas where you want it show up.
James and Susan