Originally Posted by Sym0n
Spotted a bot trying to sign up a couple of times now. It's not getting through but the message in the log is
Not sure if that's a bug due to the "+" in the email address or not. But thought I'd flag it up for you anyway.
Thanks again for your work with this. It's saving me so much time.
Ive had a look at the results that the remote site gives when using a plus addressed email. It response with "invalid email address" and as the result isnt in the XML-ish that its expected, the mod assumes that it got an error, which it did in a way. Ive reported it to the remote site for investigation as email addresses can have (RFC says) a-z 0-9 % - + _ .
I wonder if its a method identified by spammers or just luck, either way, if I dont get a response from the remote site about this, Ill add code to handle "remotely reported invalid email addresses" properly.