Originally Posted by Fireproof
I have this same need.
Any hope on getting some help with this?
Without the javascript error it will be hard to find
Originally Posted by Fireproof
Also - separately, is your next release likely to solve the "non-scrolling" issue when using "oldest first"?
Yes yes I hope to ! I think I'll perhaps need the help of some javascripts guru on that one coz I have tried different ways and nothing did it...
Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Thanks for the file edit for disabling that query. The old version didn't require any queries for the smilies but it's no big deal.
Hum really ?? Then it's not that sql query we are speaking of. Perhaps it's the one for the announcement in the chatbox if you have activated it and the imagecache is not already called by a vBulletin file on that page. Have you activated announcement and bbcode in announcement ?
I think the number of queries in the next version will be a little higher on page load as I am thinking on modifying the chatbox in order to have the chats loaded on startup such avoiding the little delay of first loading the page and then retrieving them through ajax. This would certainly be appreciated by some people around there

So don't worry if you see that the number of queries in the next version is a bit higher (1 or 2 I think), this will mean that I have implemented that feature.
Overall it will do the same number of queries than in the other way as the retrieving of chats through ajax does a number of queries equivalent to a load of a minimal vBulletin page. But you don't see them
Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Is it possible to have the english translation please
Originally Posted by NeutralizeR
Besides these already known three bugs...:
[Major but non blocking] vBulletin confirm popup (logout or PM) have been reported by somes users as not displayed in IE when the chatbox is active (IE javascript triangle appears)
[Medium] Chats doesn't get removed from the chatbox when the inactivity mode message is displayed
[Minor] When chats display option is "Oldest first", the chatbox doesn't scroll to new chats on load.
i need the updated code for this to have a perfectly running chatbox:
I'll tell you where do to the similar changes later today or tomorrow.