Originally Posted by FRDS
Zoints SEO is total crap and no longer supported, and probably doesnt even work.
tFSEO looks like it only rewrites 3 sections of URL's, which doesnt even compare to what all vBSEO can rewrite.
For a complete SEO package, i'd serisously suggest vBSEO over any free one. I'd either go with vBSEO or the ole fashioned manual template edits (no URL rewritting what so ever), and SEO things you can do to optimize the pages.
vBSEO has lots and lots of snake oil marketing, the sort of junk you get when you receive those unsolicited offers of SEO optimization. That and the ultra-high price causes concern. In a practical sense, what it does can be replaced by free products, including one that does meta-tag modification.
If vBSEO cost, say, $59 per license, I would not not have a problem. I do at $149, and it would take a lot -- without the snake oil -- to convince me to move to it.