Originally Posted by RickyG
OK...call me stupid! I read and re-read and went thru all of the posts and cannot get it to ork
I have the tabs setup as
<li class="selected"><a href="tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=4" rel="ajaxTFHcontentarea">MAIN</a></li>
<li><a href="tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=6&tabcat[]=11" rel="ajaxTFHcontentarea">Wireless/Technical</a></li>
<li><a href="tabforumhome.php?tabcat[]=1&tabcat[]=10&tabcat[]=3" rel="ajaxTFHcontentarea">TAB 3 NAME</a></li>
Can you assist?
Is tabforumhome.php uploaded to your forums directory? As I am not getting a 404, but no errors, and it isn't displaying anything.