Originally Posted by j1mmy
Thanks for those tips, I have those options set already though. By the way, are those for 3.7.x? I'm running 3.6, but still have the options set for the user to verify his email address before he can go ahead and post.
I believe there isn't any difference (I'm using 3.7.x).
Originally Posted by j1mmy
Right, I have made the new Registered Users - Moderated usergroup, but how can I tell vB to send all new members to this usergroup first?
Make the moderated usergroup your default usergroup after the user is confirmed by e-mail. You just change the permissions for the default usergroup so that all messages are moderated.
After new users prove themselves to be good users, then promote them to the unmoderated usergroup. We promote them to unmoderated status manually, but you can also do it in automated ways (I hope others will advise here) via a promotion system.
Hope that helps! -- Rik