some reason this isnt working.
when we click the donation button and goto awcl_dsl.php?do=donation page, and i click the checkout button, it just reloads the page.
on the bottom left of the browser, using IE, there is a warning icon, and that says there is a error on line 333, and when viewing the source, that line reads:
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">var clicked=0; var benefits=1; var verify=1; var pp_test=0; var home=''; var min_alert='Sorry, the minimum amount accepted is 5.00.00 USD'; var min_amount=5.00.00; var name='Donation to Support ToKeUp Online Drug Community (User: USERNAME)'; var EMAIL HERE; var pid=PID NUMBER HERE; var custom=1; var pp_image='http://';</script>
any ideas?