Originally Posted by superjeff
1) Easy: open in a new tab the page, it works!
If I click the link, it opens the entire thread (not the deleted post) in a new tab... if I hold CTRL while I click the link, it opens the single deleted post in a new tab... this TECHNICALLY does work, but it kinda defeats the purpose of having the Ajax plugins then, doesnt it? As well as the fact that it reduces the standard functionality that the forums have without this plugin installed.
Originally Posted by superjeff
6) Mmm.. have you installed the vbadvanced plugin?
Yes, that is what I am talking about... I just looked into it, as it turns out, your
tfSEO_adv_portal_recthreads_exp template is broken... It contains the content of
tfSEO_adv_portal_module_wrapper instead of the content it should have. Probably a cut and paste error on your part? Easy fix.