Originally Posted by pewp
I'm having an issue with my install of the latest version.
I have it so the newest posts display at the bottom, but the chat box doesn't seem to scroll down as new chats come in. If that explains my problem well enough.
Originally Posted by SoFresh
I installed the new version but I can't get it to show up anywhere on the forums... 
Look at the very top
Version 1.0.0 known bugs bugs- [Minor] Veuillez entrer l'email not translated
- [Minor] When chats display option is "Oldest first", the chatbox doesn't scroll to new chats on load.
- [Minor] Too much space between chats in collapsed mode
- [Minor] Sticky chats not working
- [Minor] Chatbox smileys row still show while smileys disabled (see here for a fix) Not a bug, can't be reproduced
- [Minor] Possible issue with mod_security installed on the server (Post to help fixing it: http://www.chronosight.net/view/2007...ed-apache.html)
Originally Posted by zelnik
Is anyone else having various wrong/odd descriptions in the who is online page?
I get things like this:
Unknown Location
Bring up the error console in firefox or set ie to show errors and see if they display.
Originally Posted by poolking
Yes, tested it myself in Internet Explorer and doesn't work.
2 people then? Test it across multiple to make sure the issue is replicable.