Originally Posted by PGAmerica
As long as we are requesting features for the next version (and I understand that you have very little time):[LIST]
Show individual die rolls
Wasn't that in 1.002? Hmm, well that will definitely be included.
Allow for pre-selected rolls for rolling rpg character stats (4d6 throw away lowest die, 3d6 and re-roll 1s and 2s)
This wouldn't work in conjunction with the ability to roll strings with multiple rolls of different dice. Well, unless the options applied to all of the rolls or if options were to be added within the syntax eg. "(r1(k1(2d4))+5)*r3(3d6)+k2(4d4)" where rx would mean reroll these and lower dice and kx would mean to not use the x number of lowest results. But this would mean clumpsy looking strings and a difficulty for the user. Not the mention the PitA for me to actually code this.
Usergroup permissions to allow certain groups to change die rolls
To reroll or edit them manually?
Usergroup permissions to allow only certain usergroups to roll dice (I know I already said this)
Indeed you did.
Usergroup permissions to allow only certain usergroups to see rolled dice values
Alot of permssion settings you're after. It will most likely prove tricky to get all this to work, but I'l give it a shot when time allows me.
Umm, why?
Well, if I do implement the feature to roll an entire string you could always enter something like "1d20*2+1d20*3+1d20+5+1d20-3", or do you mean adding the same multiplier to each roll?
I can't see many reasons for this but the latter wouldn't be very hard to implement whether I implement string rolling or stick with single rolls. The only problem is that with the string system the modifier would affect all rolls within the string.
It seems most of your ideas revolve around not using the string roll system. Perhaps single rolls with modifiers is a better idea. Perhaps I'll add the optional ability to roll using a string syntax at a later time since it would need extensive work to work along with all these specifications.
Modifiers per entire die roll
Already done, just not released yet.
Forum permissions to allow the dice in specified forums only (or at least the reverse, specify which forums cannot use the dice) (I know I already said this)
I've actually thought about this, but I decided it wasn't important enough. Well, maybe I was just being lazy, I don't know. I'll have a look into this as well.
Be able to roll dice when making a new post instead of having to do it after the fact.
I thought about ways to do this as well, but I couldn't quite figure out a good way to do this. I had originally planned on adding the rolls in a list just like the attachments feature.
I'll put these things on my to do list. But as I've said my time is very limited atm.
I'll see if I have time to take a peek into it this weekend, but I have no idea when I'll be done with the list.