You can't prevent certain usergroups from seeing the videos, just AME automatically converting them.
The reason is down to the postcache. Once a post gets parsed, it gets saved for x amount of days. Therefore when your admin first views the post, it gets cached from the 'admin' perspective. If the cache expires and a guest is the next to view it, it then gets cached from the guests perspective.
There are a couple of solutions I am playing with, but I am not 100% sold on either yet.
One would be to swap out the URL with javascript after processing, the other would be check posts during display time. The first would be the least server intensive, but not ideal. The latter simply means more server processing.
Leave it with me, I am working on a couple ideas. But if you really need a mod that will only display for certain usergroups right now then try checking out passivevid as I am pretty sure that supports the option.