Originally Posted by PGAmerica
I just confirmed this. This mod does NOT work with 3.7.xx. It caused a Security Token error when rolling the dice.
It is too bad. Ths mod looked promising. Can this be fixed?
Additional Suggested Features:
ACP control. Not just editing the plugin, but actual menu driven options.
I feel the config-plugin is easy enough to configure, do you really need it more graphical?
Usergroup permissions - I only want my RPG Moderators to be able to use the dice
Forum permissions - I only want the dice to show up in the gaming forums.[/LIST]This is defiantly an awesome mod with great potential. I would be willing to pay for it, if these things were done.
The last suggestions I feel are great ideas however.
My spare-time is very limited at the moment, and that's why I made this unsupported. But I'll put those things (even the admin options if you really want them) on my to-do list for when I get the time. What I won't do however is charge anyone money for it.