Originally Posted by zglows
This is an awesome mod TCattitude.
In a forum I visit when you add a very large image through [IMG] bbcode, and load the final post the image is not displayed until is fully loaded.
So the style never breaks.
Is this possible to accomplish?
That will require server resources to check the image dimensions and "hide" it until is fully loaded, i think, and that's not the point of this mod (to use server resources for image downsizing).
Really, i don't figure out how they (from your example) did it (in case they don't use server resources for that).
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
couldn't find the answer...
anyone know if this works with VBAGALLERY (aka vbphotopost gallery)?
I don't own that product, so... sorry, nothing i can do.
Originally Posted by Arjan
You mean you see things correctly on my pages?
I can hardly believe that, since for the embedded attachemnts the tag onload="NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);" is missing, which is there in the external images.
And I have the feeling you haven't even taken a look, since you have to ask which mediaplayer I use...
It works like that.
Attach "integration" only means about replacement for vb's default lightbox to lightbox selected by you in the admincp.
Attachments have thumbnails and when i test it, i use those, so i don't see a point in downsize them if already have a downsize version of the image within the thumb itself.
But, it's not a bug.
Originally Posted by Stoebi
Thanks for the update. 
It is possible to update highslide 3.3.22 to 4.0.4, please?
Regards, Stoebi
Yeah sure. Will release a minor update today i hope, 1.2.7b, just for that.