I will add to this as points arise
Will I lose my old custom definitions upgrading from 1.x?
Nope, but to be on the safe side, you may want to make a backup of them before you upgrade.
Can I use my old definitions or some of the existing definitions for the 1.x series?
Yup. They are all compatable
Will this run on vb3.6x?
I haven't tested it, but there should be no reason why not. Of course visitor and social messaging wont be supported.
I will add to this as issues arise
I just installed and viedos aren't working- Check the settings to ensure new entries arent disabled (admincp->ame->settings)
- If you were expecting to install AME and all your old posts would be AMEfied, remember that AME will not automatically change your old URL tags. Systems that do this are VERY server intensive. AME checks for matches at the time a post, blog, comment or message is saved (creating or editing). If you want AME to embed old posts, check out the Tools section of the admincp (admincp->AME CP->Tools).
When I post a media URL, I get a 'double' version- You are most likely using multiple versions of the same definition. This can occur if you import a similar definition more than once. The solution is to delete one of them.