v1.2.7 (August 26th, 2008)
- Added. Option to exclude certain styles from apply all the image-resizer thing.
That way you can exclude you "mobile" style (mobile style hack @ vb.org)
and not overload that with all the javascripts from lightboxes.
Downsize: images in those excluded styles will not resize images.
- Added. CSS Class for resized images. You can easily customize your needs for HOW
to display a downsized image, borders, spacers, and many others only using
the defined CSS Class.
CSS class for img tags are:
tcattdimgresizer ->normal IMG tag
tcattdimglink -> IMGLINK tag
- Fixed. Proper fieldset in UserCP options for Image Resizer. Now really fixed (i hope).
- Fixed. Using "resize in same window" for signatures not downsize well the image
after user click to go back from full size to small size.
- Fixed. Not a fix really, but implemented the downsize of image attachments in vbadvanced
news module. I'm not using vbadv anymore, that's why i don't "see" that before.
- Fixed/Added. Fix the Not Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
Added an option to choose a new javascript metod to resize images, that's
100% valid. Is optional, so you can keep the old and nice Ncode mode,
or change it to the new one.