Since I've added garage, my user base grew 20 members in one day and I had 9 Premium Members sign up that day! No joke. I have this mod restricted so that only Premium Members can create garages, but everyone can view them. People use their garage pages to show case their rides on other car sites (similar to what Car Domain has to offer), except easier to look at.
The Garage feature has paid itself off. $35 is very minimal amount to ask for such a large modification and is a MUST for any automotive site. A competitor site of mine has an image gallery they paid $150 for an owned license.
Myself, I will be donating much more to the creator of this software if/when I get more money from my site. Right now, all I get from Premium Members goes right back into the site/merchandising/software.
Examples of two rides:
We have been missing this modification since we had phpBB. We lost it after the site was hacked due to the flaw in the software, then we went to phpBBv3.... it being poorly designed/lacking features, we decided to move over to vBulletin (and loving it)... Now that there is a garage feature, it makes it EVEN MORE worth while to have vBulletin (ontop of all of its great features). Highly recommended.