ok so your instructions say
"Automatic Tagging of existing threads
You can tag existing threads via maintenance or scheduled task/cron. They will be created with a special flag so they can be easily identified and deleted. Manual assigned tags are not touched. Maintenance is also working if Automatic Tagging is disabled via settings. Great if you want to test some settings. Automatic Tagging will take the date of the thread creation and also the userid of the creator. This process can be automated by running a scheduled job once a night.
Please keep in mind that tags that were proposed via AJAX are not tagged as auto tagged and therefore cannot be identified as such (and therefore not deleted automatically). If you want to retain the auto tagged flag you should disable AJAX and enable the tagging after the thread has been saved. As an alternative way you can also disable this and let new threads be tagged in the night from the scheduled job."
so it details you can use either maintenance or scheduled task/cron
i have found the maintenance item referred to now
for anyone else who has the same issues you need to go to
Maintenance -> update counters -> the bottom option on thios page is auto tag threads.
maybe it would be a bit clearer if you added this into the instructions.?