<font color="Red">Threads automatically generated state that they are "Moderated" SOLVED!
Form missing "Manage Attachments" SOLVED!</font>
For those who have had this happen to them. I found the solutions. Its quite simple but easily overlooked. Please note that in my situation, the form was being posted to an admin forum that is not accessible to any registered users, just admins.
1) Login into Admin CP
2) Under "Forum and Moderators" click Forum Permissions
3) Go to the forum that the form gets submitted to.
4) Click "Edit" on the usergroup that uses the form (you may need to do this for more then just one usergroup)
5) Because in my situation, everything was set to NO. So I selected YES to "Can Post Threads", "Follow Forum Moderation Rules" and "Can Upload Attachments".
6) Save and volla. Well it worked for me.