Originally Posted by gabrielt
I found a small bug, on [passive video][profile] hooks plugin. You should add the phrases on the phrase system and not directly inside the code. This way users running vBulletin on a different language can translate the text in a better way, without the need of actually editing the source-code.
thx, i got a nice list of about 8 things i need to do in 2.01 ;D
Originally Posted by gabrielt
Another bug on the same location:
should be
Originally Posted by thestaton
hmmm. I uninstalled 1.12 and replaced it with 2.0 lite. None of my old youtube video links are working...
I have tried to edit the post, and re-insert the link and still got nothing.
What am I doing wrong?
I have tried making new threads and just copy / pasting the youtube code and that's not working either...
have you done this:
Rebuild Forum Info (AdminCp -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Forum Information)