Originally Posted by masterross
Thanks for 3.7.x release but it still has the same not indexing joins:
this is only for 10min works!
This will be fixed in the next release.
Originally Posted by Soljah
After downloading I notice there is only one award. I have found other awards, so can someone tell me if there is any other way to add them to the ACP other than doing it one award at a time? Thanks in advance.
There is no current way to mass add awards, since you have enter in a url for each image and a description we will not do any type of mass add.
Originally Posted by Tanpapasmurf
I understand this and did not exspect for you to give me a time frame.
I only asked if there was any news on when it would be avail, I appreciate your work and i love this modification. My user's are really happy about it, My forum is for local members who play airsoft and i use the award system kinda like the xbox achivement system where user's do something on the field and get that award on the forums.
Thank you for makeing this, and im sorry if i upset you by asking for avail news. Im just really excited to get the next version.
Thank you.
You did not upset me, I have just had very long weeks the past month, working 15 hour days 1 week, 8 hour days the next and it keeps alternating till this contract I am on ends...which wont be till mid November-December