Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
I'm not sure how it looks on the UK site, but the US site has the typical Embed Code and Link box beside the video, like they have on YouTube. So for each video you select, copy what's in both boxes and the address in your browser if it looks different from what's in the Link box (even if its only different by 1 character).
they dont seem to have those on the uk site i know the ones you mean tho is it possible to extract them via page source code i did see an <embed src= other than that i dont know where it will be
example here
<embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:mtv.co.uk:253828" allowScriptAccess="always" enablejavascript="true" width="400" height="312" wmode="window" flashvars="autoPlay=false&franchise=playlist&moreVideosUrl=http://rss.mtv.co.uk/mtvuk/video/latest%3Fformat=xml%26" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>