Originally Posted by C Braithwaite
with sendmail you can specify -f to force a from address. im not saying its not server configuration, however in a lot of cases it can be fixed with -f
You have a valid point, and this is the very reason why for the next version the modification will handle ALL emails sent out. I realised this was the only way when one member mentioned he uninstalled ezbounce.
from what i understand, with ezbounce you have to manually click a link in each bounced email to modify the user? that's just a manual process with a shortcut in my eyes. my vision was pure automation, and on request i might add.
he would just get a giant email instead - i am working on ways to organise the data better.
An email is easier to delete.
The other thing is that automation of a system like EZ Bounce is also a bad idea. Many of the bouncebacks are not from invalid email addresses but from "mailbox full", "mailbox temporarily unavailable", and such. Those members shouldn't be bounced and for that reason I prefer to inspect the bouncebacks individually. This takes a while the first time or two after it's installed but basically after the first sweep through the member database it's only typically a few a week.