Originally Posted by Xanlamin
I do not have a time frame, only that we are working on this and other fixes.
I do not like time frames, things come up and if you mention that it will be released say next week and something happens and it is not released then people will have a fit, even though it would not be our fault for the delay...some people do not see it that way.
I understand this and did not exspect for you to give me a time frame.
I only asked if there was any news on when it would be avail, I appreciate your work and i love this modification. My user's are really happy about it, My forum is for local members who play airsoft and i use the award system kinda like the xbox achivement system where user's do something on the field and get that award on the forums.
Thank you for makeing this, and im sorry if i upset you by asking for avail news. Im just really excited to get the next version.
Thank you.