Originally Posted by meissenation
Works good, just seems like it's not compatible with ajax. I find myself having to refresh a page before the lytebox decides to work, especially after creating a new thread or new post. Using Firefox 3.0.1.
Originally Posted by Merjawy
I was checking all the different types, some of them brake the forum.. so I had to stick with few only... I can't remember which ones didn't work.
also, when editing a thread/post with quick edit, all attachments disapear .. I had to edit with full editor to bring them back
lovely mod though
I also had the Image Resizer and other JS mods (ie: bbCode spoiler) not working after a user performs a quick reply or quick edit. However, after installing these 2 cool mods by PHPKD, I no longer have that problem! The 2 mods are:
Advanced Quick Reply:
Advanced Quick Edit:
Not sure how these 2 mods fixed the problem, but hey it's working!

Note: I'm using VB 3.7.2 and Shadowbox in this mod.