Originally Posted by katie hunter
It would be nice if you give credit to where you found that spoiler gif pic..
But it is a nice idea though =]
I see you also have Anime medals :l nothing can be hidden these days at all..
I guess it is missunderstood ! I am
NOT animparadise Adminstrator at all !!
Although he was one of my best friends ... so I don't know anything about that forums and other plugins such as medals !!
I got the idea of that "gif pictures " there .. and pm him about metion their forums link as demo. He pm me that he found that gif picture somewhere else !
Anyway I remove the link of second demo ....
I myself wrote the codes ! and I believe there is no credit about that gif picture at all !! unless you could prove with exact documentation !
You are worry about one gif picture !?! yesterday I see
this forum that used my designsd style and all pictures & css and codes and all things ! but
they removed the credit of autor from footer ! and added their own name as the designer !!
I reported here but no answer !!
please compare
that forum and
this picture to the
Dark Golzarion style !