Originally Posted by AndrewD
Again, I wondered about having both width and height parameters, but this would end up distorting pictures - by using only one value, the code can maintain the aspect ratio of the picture.
Am open to discussion
I can understand the importance of maintaining aspect-ratio, but I found one problem with the LDM imagemagsize setting. This setting sets the size of the image 'along larger dimension', and this becomes problematic if the image has a larger width than height (which is usually the case). This is because having a fixed width means that the height of the image varies according to the original size of the image, and this sometimes results in images having heights too large for the screen. What would be more useful is to have the 'imagemagsize' set the HEIGHT of the image rather than the width, which would then allow the width of the image to vary according to the aspect-ratio of the original picture. This would cause less problems because obviously the screen of the user is wider than the screen's height, so it can allow for more variability in the horizontal direction.