I just love small upload limits...
I've made a set of
JibJab definitions for everything including Jokes, Originals, Sendables from your JibJab control panel and Sendables you've actually received from other people.
MSNBC should now allow embedability for videos pulled from specific MSNBC sub-domains, such as
Countdown with Keith Olbermen or
The Scoop.
Guitar-Tube will load a video on a new page, but you won't see a video when you first post it or do any AJAX editing.
Durn javascript.
Globo New
Grapheine's BombayTV New
Guitar-Tube New
Imeem (Music) Updated
JibJab (Jokes) New
JibJab (Originals) New
JibJab (Sendables Received) New
JibJab (Sendables) New
MSNBC Updated
Photosynth New