Hello, we are the developers of the "thing", and while I do not want to advertise anything, I am forced to reply because you do not know the amount of features this remote integration (meaning it integrates different softwares located in different servers) system has, the kind of support users receive for it, and the kind of script this script has to work with.
Just to speak of the last point that is the only one that won't sound as self-promotion, ClipShare 2.6 (they are now at 4.0), for which this code was written, was far from being a clean script. Very far from it. Our first version included security fixes in the package that saved a lot of users from being hacked.
Supporting this integration when at least one of the integrated scripts is not well-coded enough means hours of weekly work. The $200 include installation of the system, which can take 1-2 hours, plus 1-2 more hours for the batch importer, depending on forum size.
Please do not judge just from the outside, without knowing things.