I have had this running (but taken it down due to the extra load it places on my server, which was'nt noticeable 99% of the time, but when things get busy...)
This was using the instructions on the openx site (I think) as well as a bit of searching on here.
plugin details
product: vbulletin
hook : global_start
run order: 5
title : openx
require 'openads-xmlrpc.inc.php';
if (!isset($OA_context)) $OA_context = array();
$oaXmlRpc = new OA_XmlRpc('www.domain.com', '/adserv/www/delivery/axmlrpc.php', 0, false, 15);
$adnavbar = $oaXmlRpc->view('zone:2', 0, '', '', 0, $OA_context);
Then simply place
in the templates were you want the adverts to display
obviously zone:1 will change as to your openx install, as would the details of your domain and document path to the openx script