Originally Posted by blackwolfcds
Good morning,
First, a big thank you for this wonderful module.
I have a problem with the "filter".
I have a category which includes many files (more than 20000 for some).
If you choose a filter, for example the letter "B", only the first page complies.
If you click on page 2, for example, the filter cancels ...
I tried with versions post1 and post2, and invariably the same problem.
If someone can help me, it would be very nice.
Thank you in advance.
You are right, this is a bug. I will fix in the upload when possible.
Edited: In the meantime, if you want to fix it yourself, edit local_links.php in your forum directory. Find the following code (around line 675):
$pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $thispage, $nhits, $LINKS_SCRIPT.".php?catid=$viewcatid&sort=$sort", "&pp=$thispage");
and replace with
$pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $thispage, $nhits, $LINKS_SCRIPT.".php?catid=$viewcatid&sort=$sort".(strlen($viewfilter) ? "&filter=$viewfilter" : ""), "&pp=$thispage");