Originally Posted by Opserty
If you have no experience with MySQL then you may want to consider hiring someone to do it for you. If there was an easy answer, someone would have given it by now. My best guess would be that you'd need to use an "UPDATE" possibly with a join (if thats possible in update queries).
It really doesn't seem that hard of a thing.. you have 1 database with 2 columns with data in them.. you have another database with 2 columns with the exact same set up with no data in them... you take data from database 1 and put it in database 2.
That's all I want.. all these mod makers and such do a lot more & harder SQL things I'm sure so really don't think it would be worth spending money on.. seems like a 5 minute job for someone that actually knows how to do it.. really only want this to save me from putting in the data manually for each user..