Originally Posted by Regs
I believe what he is asking is pretty straightforward in the sense that it doesn't matter which modification he is using.
The point being made is that both structures are the same just the 2 columns are names differently. On one side, the 2 columns has all the data and the other has none.
To the original poster, one avenue you might want to try is export the 2 tables using phpmyadmin, open them up in a spreadsheet and copy the data over from one file to the other. Then import back using phpmyadmin.
This is of course assuming that the userids in both tables match up, if not, you might need to do some 'massaging'.
I would test this out on a test install first.
There are probably much better ways of doing this but you'll need a helpful coder here to get you going.
--------------- Added [DATE]1219333529[/DATE] at [TIME]1219333529[/TIME] ---------------
I should add that when I say copy the data over, I mean just the 2 columns, not everything 
Hello, yes that basically sums it up, I tried exporting the data & then importing it selecting "just the columns I wanted" in the import.. didn't work, it completely erased the user (made it on a test user just importing those two columns for just it). So yeah. if someone could give me some better instructions on how to do it or a better way to do it, would be great.