Originally Posted by Jaxel
I have tried it with "IMGLink tag" set to both Yes and No... and neither made a difference for me.
It's a known "issue"
There's nothing you can do about making the images as clickable links with the image resizer installed. You can only use the new [imglink] bbcode or some other image bbcode instead, because all [img] are now associated with the resizer
The Image Resizer adds a new link ("a href" html tag) to the posted images, and brokes all posted images WITH a link, like this:
The link will not open, just the image into the selected Lightbox.
It's not a bug. All the Lightboxes NEEDS this link to open the fancy layers over the website.
To solve this, The Image Resizer add a new BBcode: IMGLINK
Use like the normal IMG tag, and use it for images with a link, like this:
Those IMGLINK tag will not have any Lightbox attached, and you can still choose if downsize them.