Originally Posted by syrus.xl
It maybe because we are using a dynamic XML file which cannot read directories outside the webroot.
It's like trying to browse a directory outside the web root with a standard browser, it is impossible. Therefore, we need to change this to work from a direct path instead of trying to use relative urls, which is how the igallery currently reads the image data.
That's right. Forgot totally about this in XML.
Originally Posted by syrus.xl
We have made changes already to the bridge, which includes tweak settings - we will include in this a path setup instead of url pull.
That would be great. I'm sure many others here have their album path out of their web root for the same reason as me: free database of extra load but still getting safety with it.
Originally Posted by syrus.xl
The javascript error is a known issue which we are trying to fix, basically it is caused by the calls we have used within the main page so that Apple users can use all iGallery features as well as PC owners - making modifications to work cross-browser and cross-platform using flash and javascript can be a nightmare, but we will get there.
I've tried on FF and didn't get the same error, I just noticed it slower than IE to load all the thumbnails.
Originally Posted by syrus.xl
A little later I'm trying a vBa CMPS block module to display the gallery, again this will be using a different call routine, but it may fix the issue we currently have.
In fact I did some tests for vBa CMPS and it's just a matter of size. It works perfectly.
Considering the stile you have used for this mod, it'll only looks good as a central module, it'll look too small if you try to use it as a left or right module.
But like I said, just a matter of size to fit perfectly on CMPS.
Originally Posted by syrus.xl
We try and please users regarding support, our user guides are documented for use by even the new people to vBulletin.
It's a very well done User Guide for this product for sure.