This isn't something their doing in their spare time just for kicks. Their looking to make their products reliable and safe, considering that money is going to be exchanging hands utilizing a lot of these products. Their reputation for a solid product is more important to them then their reputation for a speedy product. Speedy products seldom deliver anyway.
I'm sure its taking them a long time to deliver on their promises. We're just tired of hearing about how great they are going to be, and how close they are to fruition.
DarkWaltz started a poll on his site asking the public if they are taking too long to release products. I guess he and Pixeldude didn't like the answers, so the site shut down. The poll was 10 months old.
Not a big deal, but I'm more cautious about using any of these products, and certainly suspicious of paying for anything.
If you saw dark's post on vbcredits, someone is bankrolling this whole thing now. I'm hoping that its actually Jelsoft that is bankrolling them and this is gonna be in 4.0. Anyone wanna buy a tinfoil hat?
All DarkWaltz needs is time, I don't see anybody willing to throw money at this, certainly not Jelsoft. Will money get anything released faster? No.
They just need to focus on getting the product out, support what you have, and not waste time with promises, teasers, and writing up explanations on why the site is unavailable.