Originally Posted by cheat-master30
I wonder if I could pay someone to release it for the community? Because it's really, really annoying to have vBulletin with less mods than it's competitors who have these useful features...
My team of morons is always ready to answer paid requests... the big problem is not coding, it is releasing... most of the other forum softwares have paid teams that are hired to release these engines... when i was on IPB, i was hired for 500 000 lines of coding, whatever the engine i coded... i generated some of the things that are missing on vB even today... but i was not handling the release or the profits of these tools... on vB, the guys want to control the money made by their work... that is different.
personally, i would take all these requests and code them if i can get paid seriously... 50$ for 10000 lines of code is absolutely out of question... and who would be crazy enough to pay long-term contracts for that kind of work ?!