Originally Posted by xxalexkimxx
Seems like everybody got confuse about FULL URL. For me at first I was thinking that we just copy the full link on the Address bar and paste it and I will automatically replace the http://www.youtube.com/watch to http://www.youtube.com/v/
There's javascript that can replace watch to v
To make it use the actual page URL,,,all you need to use is;
$test = $userinfo[field27];
$youtube = substr_replace($test, "", 0, 31);
I`m working on a new version,,that will use actual page URL and no more adding user fields or template editing....Maybe just one template edit...Will see..
Originally Posted by therogueforums
Right.. So, installed this product, followed the instructions word for word. Every time I try to see the video, I get the embed code for the title, even though I entered the video's title... and no matter what video I try to embed, and I did check to make sure they were embeddable, I keep getting the "We're Sorry. This Video Is No Longer Available" message.
Help? Please? Pretty please?
Sounds like you mixed up your user field numbers when editing the
memberinfo_block_youtube template..