Originally Posted by jesus likes pie
Legit question.
I made it specifically for a small forum I am an admin for (not the one I own) which doesn't have an admin forum. It's got a bunch of private forums but no admin forum and frankly there's not really a need for one.
In my experience admin forums are more for discussing pros and cons of situations, possible additions to the forums (+ pros/cons etc.).
They are for DISCUSSIONS that only admins should be weighing in on. These admin notes are meant more as "to do" lists and as a quick way to share things with admins that don't really need to be discussed in an admin forum.
Thanks, with what you've explained - it makes good sense. This mod acts as a 'to do list' rather than a 'lets discuss list'. Nice idea.
Originally Posted by GavM
They're separate? I've had a to do list in there for ages, no wonder nothing ever gets done, nobody else can see it!