Originally Posted by ArnyVee
I have my WaltDisneyBoards.com site where my forum is (and where this template is going to be built).
I then have my WDBHUB.com domain that I'd like to use this template for. But, since I can't use it directly on the domain name....I would have to do a little 301 redirect from that domain name to the WaltDisneyBoards.com/NewTemplatePage so that it would 'seem' like this NewTemplatePage was at this different domain.
That would work, I assume.
301 redirection will work but then the url will change. So for instance your visitor will type wdbhub.com in her browser but after 301 redirection, she'll end up at waltdisneyboards.com/forum/view.php?pg=wdbhub
If this is ok, yes you can do it. If you don't want browser url to change, you can consider options these:
1- If you domain registration company supports domain forwarding you can give it a forwarding command in your control panel and their name server will automatically push users to your webtemplate without domain change
2- You can put a simple html file to your wdbhub.com which has a iframe to waltdisneyboards.com/forum/view.php?pg=wdbhub and users will not notice domain change in the addressbar.