Originally Posted by Headliner™
At the end of the day, it is the admin's site and he can do whatever he likes with it. He can also treat members how he / she likes. It sounds tough, but it's the truth!
To be realistic the statement is a little inaccurate. They can enforce certain guidelines and run the community to an extent that they aren't being nasty/vicous to the member.
Example: I don't like a certain users username, I can't take it upon myself and viciously attack/treat this member badly otherwise the admin wouldn't have much of a community. Anyway, point being, you cannot treat members how you like you may be having a bad day and want to take it out on someone because they may have said something you didn't like and/or you didn't agree with.
On the topic of reading members pm's. I
personally think this is a case of invasion of privacy. Pms are intended for one person eyes and that is the person who recieved the pm. I know of a certain admin site that has this script installed and views pms so i make a habit of ignoring pms which are sent to me. Members (my own opinion) should be aware of this if the sole basis is to stop spamming that most admins will blame for installing the script which is why I personally think they shouldn't have a problem in telling members before hand that they view members pms and have the script installed.
Makes me wonder if the read pm script is on this board which is why I ignore 99% of my pms which are sent to me from here.
Anyway. I hear tazmania is nice this time of the year.
[QUOTE=nexialys]from great powers come great responsabilities[quote]
Someones beeen watching too much spiderman movies.