tfseo, vbseo or ??
Can anyone tell me if I really will benefit from buying vbseo. I've been looking around on the web and there sure seems a lot of "hype" for the product. What I wonder is how much of the hype is real. Not that I am for one minute suggesting that any company might have written there own posts in support of their product.
Anyway back to the subject of my post. I would really like to find out what people think. I am just starting out a new forum. I would prefer not to spend the money on VBseo and I'm also wondering if VB 4.0 will offer some help with URL rewrite. So should I hold off buying anything, wait for VB 4.0, try a product like tfseo or spend the money and buy vbseo.
Also anyone know of any similar mods to tfseo and vbseo?
Lastly I see that VBseo is now offering more products to interface with google. Any other mods ou there that do similar things.