Originally Posted by Logician
Yes you can do what you want. After the installation, create a new parent webtemplate which is exact copy of one of the defaults (eg. Default Basic Theme), than edit it and remove sections you don't need (eg. $navbar). If you don't want header or footer as well, you can remove them too or create new webtemplate headers/footers with your changes and use that one in your splash page.
However when you told "a new domain that I'm starting", I hope that forum is also under that same domain. Obviously you can't have forum in domain A and splash page in domain B.  Webtemplates will be in the same domain your forum is installed.
Thank you for the instructions on that!
I'm going to try it out in the next couple of days (hopefully this Tropical Storm doesn't turn into a Hurricane or do damage in our area) and report back if I need some help.
As far as the quoted statement...I was planning on having a new 'entry-point' to my site with it's own domain name and have it 'point' to the new template page created. But, I just realized that I won't be able to do that directly. I'd have to do a 301 redirect to the web template page that I create. Then, launch to wherever I'd like to from there. That should work, right?