Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
I think he was asking if CHMODing the Arcade folder would also CHMOD public_html.
I think if there was a substantial risk with a mod that's the most installed mod on vB.org, we'd be hearing a lot of reports of that happening, not to mention it prompt removal by staff. MrZeroPage keeps his modification sewed up pretty tight. Besides, there's no way to make this work if you don't make the file readable and writable.
i have still install arcade on my forum but not with 777 .games running fine everything okay but the only problem i am facing i can not add more games in to it .soo it would be very good idea to have another way to install the game in to it widout using 777.will make it more secure .i know its downloaded lots of time may be that time this not come to attention or not occur but my forum got hacked too due to 777 port reason thtz why i am asking to make it more secure if possible