Originally Posted by Lustikus
i got also the Problem with the Bitfield Collision: prefixrequired = credits_cantearn stuff, here some links in the thread but the Site went down oder shut down or whatever, tried to delete and/or upload the new version of the bitfield_credits.xml file.... nothing changes....
so, can somebody write down here in the thread how to fix this ?
would be very very nice !
Did you have RC1 or RC2 installed on vB3.6 prior to upgrading to vB3.7? If RC1, the instructions are in the zip for RC2. If RC2, then download the zip from this thread. Follow the instructions for installation (dont skip steps or do them out of order!). When you do the template edits some may already have been done, so just skip those as you come across them. Should do the trick

If not contact me via PM.
Originally Posted by sdfaheem
is this something like NamePro's cash system?
vBCredits includes all the features and more of the cash system they are using (uCash)
Originally Posted by baophong
how to show the banking function? i dont know how to do that? just showed the donate function, not loan, not saving?
who can tell me how? pleaz. THanks a lot
Originally Posted by baophong
how to increase the maximum saving credits? i dont know
Make sure that usergroup has nonzero maximum savings and loans in the usergroup settings. Choose carefully the maximum loans or they will get out of hand. Also check the global vBCredits bank settings to make sure you dont have any extreme requirements to access the bank (like a lot of posts, days registered, or reputation)
Originally Posted by bojomojo
I have a problem, i installed vbcredits 1.4 RC2, but when I donate members doesnt recieve the points
Do you have donation moderation enabled for that usergroup? If so, you will find the donations in the queue in the Moderate Donations / Awards link in the vBCredits menu in the acp, and you can process them there.
Originally Posted by Deimos
Will you guys be updating this paticular section so it checks for forums which are marked as "No post counts"?
Because if you setup a bunch of overrides for a large amount of forums, it slows the forums down to a crawl.
It used to be tied to auto disabled when no post counts - but some people want to earn credits but not post count, and vice versa. Using the override system you could have it any way you want. Does it slow down the forums themselves or just the forum override page (which is in bad need of some grouping/pagination I admit). I have some big changes planned for vBCredits 2.0, but keeping myself from working on it as I have other more important addons to work on first