Aye it was when I last checked.
When I setup all the forums and usergroups I don't want credits counted for and save, the actuall page where you edit forum overrides then takes AGES to load, because there's so many usergroups/forums.
The forum itself slows to a crawl
...oh man, I just enabled it again and it's not doing it
Although I have moved servers since, hehe
Previously I was running Php in FastCGI mode, I Wonder if that's why? heh
Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4
Is this still occuring? I have seen vBCredits installed on some big-boards and never had this kind of thing reported - in fact I developed a unique plugin optimizing thing to greatly reduce even the server slowdowns on sites that have multitudes of hacks installed (seen on a site with 250+ hacks installed). Are you certain vBCredits is the culprit (disabling the hack and seeing if it goes away, and then turning back on to see if it always comes back)? Are only certain actions doing this or is everywhere doing anything seeing an increase?